Dr Shimrit Ziv

Research Fellow

Shimrit is coordinating a Cambridge-Israel collaborative study following women during pregnancy (recruited at Sheba Hospital in Israel) from the second trimester ultrasound scan, through to when the child is 24 months of age. The study is designed to test if the findings from our earlier collaboration with the Danish team at the State Serum Institute (showing elevated prenatal sex steroid hormones in children who go on to develop autism) replicate in a new sample in a different geographical region.

The study also tests other questions related to early gestational, neonatal, and infancy development in relation to children who go on to develop autism. She is collaborating with Professor Simone Shamay-Tsoori (Haifa University), Drs Lidia Gabis and Yinon Gilboa, and Professor Reuven Achiron (Sheba Hospital, Israel).

Shimrit is also a Consultant Child Psychiatrist in clinics within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust, specialising in autism and neurodevelopmental disabilities.