
2025: Sex differences in brain structure identified at birth
2024: Professor Baron-Cohen is made honorary fellow of Royal Society of Medicine
2023: The first evidence that postnatal depression is more common in autistic new mothers
2023: Confirming sex and gender differences in cognitive empathy in a large population across 57 countries
2023: Confirming the autistic brain is masculinised, using machine learning and structural MRI
2022: The first integration of rare and common genetic variants in autism
2022: The first large scale study of autistic people in the criminal justice system
2021: Simon Baron-Cohen is awarded a Knighthood for services to autism and autism research
2021: The first study of substance use and misuse in autistic adults
2021: The first large population study of ethnic and socioeconomic differences in autism
2021: The first evidence that camouflaging in autism is associated with poor mental health
2021: The first evidence of autism as an extreme of the typical male pattern in the default mode network
2021: A population study screening autism at 18 and 36 months of age
2021: The earliest evidence of atypical neurogenesis in autism, specifically atypical neural rosettes
2020: The first evidence of elevated rates of non-communicable physical health conditions in autism
2020: The first large scale study of elevated rates of transgenderism in autism
2020: Publication of The Pattern Seekers (Penguin Random House UK/Basic Books US).
2020: The first evidence of elevated prenatal estrogens in autism
2019: The first evidence of genetic overlap between autism and systemizing
2019: The first major prevalence study of autism in China
2019: The first evidence of vulnerability in autistic adults
2018: The first evidence that autistic women have higher rates of polycystic ovary syndrome
2017: First evidence of altered brain response to oxytocin in autistic women
2017: The first study of camouflaging in autism
2016: The first study of empathy and altruism ‘in the wild’
2016: The first evidence that testosterone reduces cognitive empathy
2015: The first evidence demonstrating oxytocin increases eye-contact in autism
2015: The first evidence showing elevated prenatal sex steroid hormones in autism
2014: The first evidence of ‘steroidopathy’ in autistic women
2014: The first meta-analysis of sex differences in the human brain
2014: The first large scale study of suicidality in autism
2013: The first evidence that the brain is ‘masculinized’ in autistic women
2013: The CLASS clinic moves into the newly created Chitra Sethia Autism Centre, Cambridgeshire.
2013: The first evidence that girls with anorexia have higher levels of autistic traits
2013: The first evidence of differences in binocular rivalry in autism
2013: The first evidence of a sharper gradient of spatial attention in autism
2013: The first evidence of higher rates of synaesthesia in autism
2012: The first evidence that transmen have a higher number of autistic traits
2011: The first evidence that rates of autism are elevated in an IT-rich city (Eindhoven)
2011: Publication of Zero Degrees of Empathy (Penguin)
2011: The first evidence finding elevated androstenedione in autism
2010: Publication of Autism and Asperger Syndrome: The Facts (OUP).
2010: The first stratification of autistic traits in the population
2010: The first evidence linking prenatal testosterone to autistic traits at 18 months of age
2009: The first evidence linking prenatal testosterone to autistic traits in childhood
2009: The first study establishing the prevalence of autism as 1% of the population
2009: The first evidence that genes regulating prenatal sex steroids are associated with autism
2009: The first molecular genetic study of synaesthesia
2008: The first UK trial of Lego Therapy for autistic children
2008: The development of the Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT)
2007: The first evidence of elevated rates of testosterone-related medical conditions in autistic women
2007: Creation of The Transporters to teach emotion recognition to autistic children (
2006: The first evidence that prenatal testosterone levels are associated with empathy
2006: The first evidence that prenatal testosterone levels are associated with systemizing
2006: The first evidence that children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia have elevated autistic traits
2006: The assortative mating theory of autism is published
2005: The first evidence that prenatal testosterone levels are associated with narrow interests
2005: The EQ-SQ theory is published in Science
2004: The Empathy Quotient (EQ) is published
2004: Publication of Prenatal Testosterone in Mind (MIT Press).
2003: The first evidence that acquired brain damage to the amygdala impairs theory of mind
2003: Publication of The Essential Difference (Penguin).
2002: The first evidence that V4 is active during coloured hearing synaesthesia
2002: The first evidence that prenatal testosterone levels are associated with language development
2002: The first evidence that prenatal testosterone levels are associated with social development
2002: The ‘extreme male brain’ (EMB) theory of autism is proposed
2002: Prevalence of Asperger Syndrome in childhood reported as 1 in 166
2002: The first evidence that amygdala damage impairs theory of mind
2001: The first demonstration of superior visual search in autistic children
2000: The first evidence for innate sex differences in neonates
2000: The amygdala theory of autism is proposed
2000: The first discussion of whether autism is necessarily at disability
1999: The first test of the brain basis of superior attention to detail in autism
1999: The first prevalence study of Gilles de la Tourette in autism
1998: The first demonstration of superior attention to detail in autistic adults
1997: Publication of Teaching children with autism to mind-read (Wiley).
1997: The first report linking autism to parents who are high ‘systemizers’
1997: The ‘language of the eyes’ coined
1997: The first report of the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test
1997: The first proposal of the extreme male brain theory of autism
1997: The first test of the broader autism phenotype in parents of autistic children
1997: The first test of whether language delay in autism is the result of not using gaze processing
1996: The first test of whether theory of mind could be taught to autistic children
1996: The first large population study of the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
1995: The first study of the brain basis of synaesthesia
1995: Publication of the first edition of Mindblindness (MIT Press).
1993: Publication of the first edition of Understanding Other Minds (OUP).
1990: The term ‘mindblindness’ was coined, in relation to autism
1985: The first test of the ‘theory of mind’ (ToM) hypothesis of autism